SmartGraft offers a tremendous opportunity to treat women, which represent a fast-growing segment of hair restoration patients. We have recently treated an African American celebrity make-up artist who suffered with traction alopecia from years of wearing heavy dreads, bleaching and braiding, and tight hair styles. She was extremely pleased to find out that this condition could be corrected. Unlike traditional hair replacement methods, there was very little downtime so she was able to fly and be back on the set in only a few days after we treated her. Her case is not at all uncommon.
SmartGraft has completely changed the way we can do brow transplants since grafts can be extracted more precisely and placed into a holding canister that automatically counts and moistens the grafts. The brows may be slightly red and swollen for up to a week after the procedure and we tell patients that the transplanted follicles will need to be trimmed and groomed like hair on their scalp. SmartGraft offers a desired long-lasting solution for anyone who wants the look and feel of real eyebrows without resorting to tattoos or permanent make-up.”